Dr. Abrahm is a national leader in the field of palliative care and a professor at Harvard Medical School. She received her MD from the University of California at San Francisco, completed her internship and residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and served as a chief resident at Moffitt Hospital of UCSF. After completing her fellowship in hematology/oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, she stayed on to work there for twenty years. In 2001, Dr. Abrahm joined Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, as a fulltime palliative care physician, founding the Adult Palliative Care service there and at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Since 2008, she has been part of a research team now focused on developing an electronic, rule-based clinical decision support system (CDS) for EHRs that leverages national clinical practice guidelines to improve the evaluation and management of symptoms during and following cancer treatment. The 4th edition of her book, "Comprehensive guide to Supportive and Palliative Care in Cancer Patients" will be published in 2022.
Plenária 1
11:10 às 12:30 - Desafios na Prática Clínica Cuidados Paliativos
11:10 às 11:30 - Advance Care Planning in Practice
Plenária 1
14:00 às 15:20 - Redes Assistenciais e Cuidados Paliativos
14:20 às 14:40 - Founding a Palliative Care service in a Cancer Center in EUA