Richard Boyajian became a registered nurse in 1992. After
undergoing an allogeneic matched unrelated donor bone marrow
transplant at the Dana-Farber Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center
(DF/BWCC) for leukemia in 1996, he returned to school, graduating
from the University of Massachusetts in 2001 as an oncology nurse
practitioner. Rich began his career at Dana-Farber in 2002 and has
held various roles since then. He was the Assistant Director of the Dana-Farber Adult
Survivorship Program, co-developing survivorship standards of care implemented across the
DF/BWCC disease centers. Rich also created the DF/BWCC’s Stem Cell Transplant Survivorship
Multidisciplinary Clinic.
Rich is a nurse practitioner in the DF/BWCC’s Department of Radiation Oncology, where
he developed the Virtual Prostate Cancer Clinic (VPCC) and digital health platform. The VPCC
has reduced in-person follow-ups by ~ 25% since it began in 2016, increased access to care for
new patients by 161.8%, and increased the volume of prostate cancer patients treated by 43%
in FY21. More recently, Rich was awarded an NIH/NCI Small Business Innovation Research grant
to collaborate with Cancer Insights to develop a clinical support system utilizing artificial
intelligence to track prostate cancer cases through survivorship that will automatically monitor,
classify, and triage prostate cancer patients for optimal care.